here's a question for ya, what do you do when you walk into a cafeteria full of high school students who look nothing like you and are expected to make friends? answer: take a deep breath and jump on in.
that is the reality that i was faced with today when going to graham for the first time. i looked around the cafeteria and thought, well... i'm here to love girls so let's do this. we went up to table after table introducing ourselves (katy and myself) to unsuspecting high school girls. they probably thought we were crazy but they all had a smile on their face anyway! they were so sweet. we meet some great girls who seemed so genuine.
being at graham for the first time today was so surreal.. it's something that i've been trained for and have been preparing for for months! but nothing compares to walking in the doors of the high school and actually doing the contact work. i am so blessed to be working with such amazing people who will be there for me every step of the way and of course, i will be there for them.
in my small group we are studying ephesians. now if you don't know much about ephesis it was a city that was filled with sin. it was what is now modern day turkey and at the time was a major port city. since this was such a big city there was one of the largest theaters known at the time located there. in this theater it was not uncommon for huge riots to be held that bashed christians. paul started his mission in a synagogue in the middle of the city. once people began to follow Christianity some citizens began to persecute the Christians. soon, paul was imprisoned and wrote this letter to ephisis from jail. ephesians 2:4-10 is one of the most powerful snippets of scripture i've ever read. read it for yourself then i'll tell you why i love it:
4 But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, 5 made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. 6 And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, 7 in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. 8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast. 10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
so. why do you love it?? one of the reasons i love it is because these words are the gospel. these six verses explain what jesus did and why. it explains why we don't deserve this gift and what we need to do now. this scripture covers all of the bases in just six verses!! GO PAUL! well.. GO GOD WRITING THROUGH PAUL! i want you to think for a second why you love this scripture. maybe read it again and find out what jumps out at you then think about that. there is a lot of cool stuff in there.
my ministry with young life is me thanking god for what he has done for me as well as the world by serving him. i want to share these six verses with everyone. so, these verses have meant a lot to me over the past few months.
so, remember why jesus died for us and how amazing it is.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
don't worry, just believe
woah. that is the word i would choose to describe the past 6 hours of my life. i am now officially a young life leader at Graham High School!! but let's find out how i got here....
well, all of the new leaders went to dinner at octagon (naturally) then went to all county club! that was so great!! seeing the high schoolers was amazing and all of the leaders did such a great job leading it! after that we had a long prayer for the new leaders... that was so amazing to me. to know that all of those people cared so much and loved us so much.. i cried (typical). after the serious god stuff we moved on to the fun stuff!!! they blindfolded us! (now if you know me you know i like to see what is happening. so the first few minutes i had the blindfold on i actually thought i was going to pass out) then, while blindfolded, we were put into cars then driven to our school (with the weirdest music i've EVER heard playing) when we took off the blindfold and learned we were at graham we were all so happy!!! i keep saying we but y'all don't know who "we" are SO "we" are myself, katy steele and matt carter!! two of the most amazing people i know! to have the privilege to lead with them is amazing!! after we found out what high school we were at everyone went back to the y for a little celebration (i'm still finding bits of confetti in my hair and clothes) then had a little friendly competition, a kickball game. it was graham and williams (devil dogs) vs. western. naturally the devil dogs won.
now, this is such an amazing opportunity but amazingly scary at the same time! i mean i'm going into a cafeteria full of high school students that don't know me and i don't know... scary stuff. anyway, i've learned that i just need to trust the lord and stop worrying so much! tonight at all county club andrew, our area director, gave the club talk and used the story about the woman touching jesus. now in this story, a woman who has been bleeding for 12 years touches jesus while walking in a crowd. out of everyone pushing into him he feels her touch and asks who touched him. she comes forward and tells him her life story and she is healed. (coolest thing ever). but as this is happening jesus is on his way to heal a little 12 year old girl whom is dying. the father of the daughter is freaking out because jesus is now healing someone else! but jesus says to the father, "don't worry, just believe." WOAH.
first of all, how may of you would actually just believe? it's hard. we, as humans, worry. i know i worry a lot. so having that scripture read tonight was truly a blessing. i just have to say in my head, "sydney, don't worry, just believe" throughout this whole process i will be relying on christ for my every action and every word so those words are SO important to me. they aren't always easy to do but we all need to put more effort into just believing.... i'm pretty sure that's called faith.
well, all of the new leaders went to dinner at octagon (naturally) then went to all county club! that was so great!! seeing the high schoolers was amazing and all of the leaders did such a great job leading it! after that we had a long prayer for the new leaders... that was so amazing to me. to know that all of those people cared so much and loved us so much.. i cried (typical). after the serious god stuff we moved on to the fun stuff!!! they blindfolded us! (now if you know me you know i like to see what is happening. so the first few minutes i had the blindfold on i actually thought i was going to pass out) then, while blindfolded, we were put into cars then driven to our school (with the weirdest music i've EVER heard playing) when we took off the blindfold and learned we were at graham we were all so happy!!! i keep saying we but y'all don't know who "we" are SO "we" are myself, katy steele and matt carter!! two of the most amazing people i know! to have the privilege to lead with them is amazing!! after we found out what high school we were at everyone went back to the y for a little celebration (i'm still finding bits of confetti in my hair and clothes) then had a little friendly competition, a kickball game. it was graham and williams (devil dogs) vs. western. naturally the devil dogs won.
now, this is such an amazing opportunity but amazingly scary at the same time! i mean i'm going into a cafeteria full of high school students that don't know me and i don't know... scary stuff. anyway, i've learned that i just need to trust the lord and stop worrying so much! tonight at all county club andrew, our area director, gave the club talk and used the story about the woman touching jesus. now in this story, a woman who has been bleeding for 12 years touches jesus while walking in a crowd. out of everyone pushing into him he feels her touch and asks who touched him. she comes forward and tells him her life story and she is healed. (coolest thing ever). but as this is happening jesus is on his way to heal a little 12 year old girl whom is dying. the father of the daughter is freaking out because jesus is now healing someone else! but jesus says to the father, "don't worry, just believe." WOAH.
first of all, how may of you would actually just believe? it's hard. we, as humans, worry. i know i worry a lot. so having that scripture read tonight was truly a blessing. i just have to say in my head, "sydney, don't worry, just believe" throughout this whole process i will be relying on christ for my every action and every word so those words are SO important to me. they aren't always easy to do but we all need to put more effort into just believing.... i'm pretty sure that's called faith.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
hate to hate who you hate
unfortunately i'm back to the same ole same ole here at elon. of course i just got here a few hours ago but i'm already ready for spring break again!!
today has been a bit crazy... let's start off with saying that caps winning the championship game in durham today!! they all got trophies and a huge trophy for the team! the game was pretty intense because the refs sucked (what else is new??)
but something that has been on my mind today is how to love someone when everything in you is trying to get you to dislike, or even hate, them. i am reminded of a passage from luke and i want you to read it then think about it for a minute...
27 “But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. 29 If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them. 30 Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. 31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.
Luke 6:27-31
those words are so strong. think about it, our culture tells us to get revenge and make things fair. but in reality, christ is telling us to do the exact opposite! he's calling us to let things be unfair, love those who hate you and not to seek revenge. that's crazy!! i know that none of yall are bad people but everyone wants to be treated with respect and if they are not, we all want to do something about it.
so try to live out Luke 6: 27-31 this week. i double dog dare you. (now you have to do it)
today has been a bit crazy... let's start off with saying that caps winning the championship game in durham today!! they all got trophies and a huge trophy for the team! the game was pretty intense because the refs sucked (what else is new??)
but something that has been on my mind today is how to love someone when everything in you is trying to get you to dislike, or even hate, them. i am reminded of a passage from luke and i want you to read it then think about it for a minute...
27 “But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. 29 If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them. 30 Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. 31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.
Luke 6:27-31
those words are so strong. think about it, our culture tells us to get revenge and make things fair. but in reality, christ is telling us to do the exact opposite! he's calling us to let things be unfair, love those who hate you and not to seek revenge. that's crazy!! i know that none of yall are bad people but everyone wants to be treated with respect and if they are not, we all want to do something about it.
so try to live out Luke 6: 27-31 this week. i double dog dare you. (now you have to do it)
Saturday, March 26, 2011
listen to the rain
well what a day today has been! throughout today i have been from raleigh to durham to carrborro back to raleigh to chapel hill then back to raleigh!! but all of the trips were WELL worth it!
after hamptons basketball game in durham, kait, my mom and i went to carrborro for a late lunch and a little window shopping. we found a yummy place (let me tell you, there are so many more places to eat than we thought there would be!) but i still want to go back and try the rest of the places! i got a bbq sandwich and garlic fries (they were DELISH) we were planning on going to the antique shops downtown but kait and mom have been sick so everyone was tired... but there were so many cute places!! we will be going back there asap!
after a much needed nap at home i headed to chapel hill for dinner with my best friends from high school! it's amazing how we've been apart for so long but still make time for each other! since it was my last night home i decided to come home for the night and get lots of sleep since i won't be sleeping much next week!
on my way home from chapel hill (while driving in a monsoon) i was thinking a lot about how we get through rough times but more specifically trying to cope with moving on from certain situations that you don't want to move on from. for example, you really like chocolate but you know it's not good for you. you know that you are called to put down the chocolate but it's soo good!! that's a dumb example but this holds true with relationships with others as well as christ. we must listen to christ and, as hard is it may be, follow what he is calling us to do. so when i was thinking about this a song came on that really comforted me and what i was thinking about. this is one of my favorite songs in the world and i hope you enjoy it too! and if the cheesy pictures turn you off then don't look at the screen. :) i hope this song will say to you what the lord wants it to say to you!!
after hamptons basketball game in durham, kait, my mom and i went to carrborro for a late lunch and a little window shopping. we found a yummy place (let me tell you, there are so many more places to eat than we thought there would be!) but i still want to go back and try the rest of the places! i got a bbq sandwich and garlic fries (they were DELISH) we were planning on going to the antique shops downtown but kait and mom have been sick so everyone was tired... but there were so many cute places!! we will be going back there asap!
after a much needed nap at home i headed to chapel hill for dinner with my best friends from high school! it's amazing how we've been apart for so long but still make time for each other! since it was my last night home i decided to come home for the night and get lots of sleep since i won't be sleeping much next week!
on my way home from chapel hill (while driving in a monsoon) i was thinking a lot about how we get through rough times but more specifically trying to cope with moving on from certain situations that you don't want to move on from. for example, you really like chocolate but you know it's not good for you. you know that you are called to put down the chocolate but it's soo good!! that's a dumb example but this holds true with relationships with others as well as christ. we must listen to christ and, as hard is it may be, follow what he is calling us to do. so when i was thinking about this a song came on that really comforted me and what i was thinking about. this is one of my favorite songs in the world and i hope you enjoy it too! and if the cheesy pictures turn you off then don't look at the screen. :) i hope this song will say to you what the lord wants it to say to you!!
Friday, March 25, 2011
screamin' on lazy days
so today continued yet another lazy day during my spring break. i didn't get out of my pajamas until 8 pm and only changed because i went to hamptons basketball game. aren't these kinds of days the best days? days where you just lay around because you can? or days you don't even feel bad about doing nothing? if you haven't had one of those days in awhile or ever i suggest you make time out of your busy schedule to have a lazy day sometime soon.
so you may think, well sydney you did get out of your pajamas at 8... was it worth it? oh yes! it was worth it! let's begin with the adventure of getting to durham for hamp's game! it was dark and winding roads... thank goodness for maria! (my gps) she always saves the day! once we finally got to hamptons game it was delayed for nearly 2 hours!! but once the caps got on the court they took over! some mom's from the other team were being very rude to our players!! come on moms.. are we 11? we'll your children are but not you!! anyway, if the game lasted 4 more seconds i would've taken care of them!! well.. not really... i'd be too scared. but in my head i totally would've showed them who's boss!!
something i've been thinking about recently (and on this lazy day of mine) is how amazing God's love is. i mean think about it, we are part of the GREATEST legacy ever. yes, we may be a part of legacy's here on earth such as sororities or fraternities or even a country club but there is another legacy even greater. think about it, we are descendants of abraham. think about being descendants from brad pitt or george washington (yes, i did just use brad pitt and george washington in the same comparison) if you were a descendant of them you'd be telling everyone! abraham is just as famous and wayyy cooler! TELL EVERYONE how amazing this legacy is! and here's the cool part--- you don't have to be hazed or pay a monthly monetary due. you just have to love christ and what he did for you! how cool is that??
well that's just been on my heart recently so i thought i'd share it with yall! so to wrap up remember:
1)give yourself a lazy day (or 2)
2)never leave home without maria
3)you are part of the coolest legacy ever. scream that at the top of your lungs.
set a fire
when starting this blog i was trying to think of a name that fits me and what i am doing in my life right now. a few weeks ago i went to a young life conference and we sang a song that has been stuck in my head ever since the lyrics are: set a fire down in my soul that i can't contain that i can't control, i want more of you lord since that was too long for a blog name i decided to make it shorter but still get the point across so ignite your soul is perfect! here's the song, you should totally listen to it!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
why not try something new... at one am
let's be real, this is different for me. yes, i will tweet or write on facebook walls but that is nothing like blogging. so why do it? that's a great question... the answer is why not? that's kind of how my life has been going to past few months... here's an example-- a few weeks ago i went on a random "adventure" with some of my friends from elon and we ended up at an ostrich farm!!! WHAT?! and ostrich farm??!! turned out to be such an amazing experience (except we scared the baby ostriches when we walked up, one got his food caught in the fence and they had to put him down...) and yes i still feel bad about that. oh well, he's in ostrich heaven!!
speaking of heaven, looking for a good book? read Heaven is For Real. it's an account of a 3 year olds visit to heaven. how cool is that? i read it cover to cover in just a few days and i'm not a big reader! Colby, the little boy who went to heaven, only went to heaven for 3 minutes but he saw so much! in this amazing book, his father tells us how Colby shared his amazing story over a few years.
okay, so this post was nothing special (if anything i gave you a good book to read) but i figured it'd be a good start! maybe i'll get the hang of this thing sooner rather than later?
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